White Water Rafting & Adventures Blog

Cooked pork chop next to a side of green and orange vegetables on a white plate

What to Eat When Visiting the Galapagos Islands

What to Eat When Visiting the Galapagos Islands

The culinary traditions of Spain, the Andes, and the Amazon have all left their mark on Ecuadorian cuisine, which over time has filtered across the Galapagos Islands. But this remote archipelago also has a few unique dishes up its sleeve, drawing largely from the marine abundance of its surrounding waters.

Lava lizard perched on a rock in the Galapagos Islands

Unique Wildlife of the Galapagos Islands

Unique Wildlife of the Galapagos Islands

Around 600 miles off the coast of Ecuador are the Galapagos Islands, a volcanic archipelago that is home to wildlife seen nowhere else on Earth. The islands provided the inspiration for Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution and in 1978, it was one of the first UNESCO World Heritage Sites to be designated. 

Boats line the shore in Ajaccio, Corsica

7 Surprising Facts About Corsica

7 Surprising Facts About Corsica

Corsica’s gorgeous beaches lapped by warm Mediterranean waters may be its biggest allure, but there is so much more to this enchanting island. It is one of the 18 administrative regions of France and boasts a fascinating history that involves invading Vandals, a legendary beheading, and a debt-paying deal. 

sweep boat on the middle fork of the salmon

What is a Sweep Boat?

The Legacy of Sweep Boats on Idaho's Middle Fork of the Salmon

By Peter Grubb, Founder ROW Adventures, River guide of 45 years.